Dave the Diver Wiki

Trevally Nanbanzuke is a recipe in Dave the Diver.


A Japanese pickled dish made from white trevallies.
The crispy white trevally young fried in sour sauce can be eaten whole because of their small size.


Level Price Taste Dish White Trevally Onion Soy Sauce Olive Oil
1 400 145 5 - - - -
2 520 167 5 9 6 3 3
3 640 189 5 13 9 4 4
4 760 211 6 20 13 6 6
5 880 233 6 30 20 10 10
6 1000 255 6 45 30 15 15
7 1120 277 6 68 45 22 22
8 1240 299 7 102 68 34 34
9 1360 321 7 153 102 51 51
10 1480 343 7 230 153 76 76
Total 670 446 221 221

