Dave the Diver Wiki

A Sushi Staff member is a character that can be hired to work at Bancho Sushi or its branch location in Dave the Diver.

There are a total of 21 different characters that can be hired on, with one being brought on automatically and another through a sub mission, while the rest must be hired manually.

Staff members can be Dismissed, giving back money depending on the specific staff member and their level. For some members, they might give more gold back than it would cost to train them more. They can be rehired later through Hiring starting back at lvl 1.

Each has a personal pay rate that is increased by their training level.


Image Name Hiring Fee Special Skills Base Stats Max Stats
Cooking Serving Procure Appeal Total Cooking Serving Procure Appeal Total
Staff 07 Billy Thumbnail
Billy 562 Tip Master
Cleaning Master
28 134 30 6 198 408 723 467 291 1889
Staff 03 Calorina Thumbnail
Carolina 410 Wasabi Refill
Tip Master
70 75 12 12 169 621 417 810 449 2297
Staff 13 Charlie Thumbnail
Charlie 123 Cooking+ (+50)
Ingredient Prep Expert
3 20 38 15 76 908 248 323 129 1608
Staff 15 CohhCarnage Thumbnail
Cohh 1079 Tip Master
Cocktail Serving
113 2 112 45 272 360 914 150 672 2096
Staff 19 Davina Thumbnail
Davina 143 Irresistible Charm (+50 Appeal)
Dispatch Master
15 18 42 10 58 490 360 859 915 2624
Staff 17 Drae Thumbnail
Drae 297 Cleaning
Cocktail Serving
60 19 58 3 140 896 855 666 744 3161
Staff 10 Elnino Thumbnail
El Nino 2327 Drink Serving Master
Cleaning Master
6 146 65 78 295 126 986 425 138 1675
Staff 20 Itsuki Thumbnail
Itsuki 4 Drink Serving
Irresistible Charm (+50 Appeal)
1 1 1 1 4 438 932 628 963 2961
Staff 06 James Thumbnail
James 707 Cooking+ (+50)
Ingredient Prep Master
85 35 45 60 225 800 225 482 269 1776
Staff 11 Jandi Thumbnail
Jandi 302 Tip Master
Wasabi Refill
10 47 35 50 142 542 579 510 506 2137
Staff 01 Kyoko Thumbnail
Kyoko 0 (142) Drink Serving
Tip Master
14 35 15 21 85 527 605 547 838 2517
Staff 02 Liu Thumbnail
Liu 125 Cleaning
Serving+ (+50)
18 25 20 15 78 550 455 780 509 2294
Staff 14 Maki Thumbnail
Maki 0 Cooking + (+50)
Cooking ++ (+50)
100 14 1 1 116 1055 33 20 20 1128
Staff 21 Masayoshi Thumbnail
Masayoshi 551 Ingredient Prep Expert
Dispatch Master
45 25 35 93 198 786 253 814 378 2231
Staff 04 Mitchell Thumbnail
Mitchell 258 Drink Serving
Serving+ (+50)
8 20 10 88 126 407 792 29 981 2209
Staff 12 Pai Thumbnail
Pai 467 Cooking+ (+50)
Serving+ (+50)
50 55 40 38 183 594 466 914 418 2392
Staff 16 Raptor Thumbnail
Raptor 1150 Wasabi Refill
Cocktail Serving
19 150 10 99 278 304 910 770 194 2178
Staff 18 Raul Thumbnail
Raul 991 Ingredient Prep Expert
Master Drink Maker
66 66 66 66 264 541 541 541 541 2164
Staff 08 Tohoku Thumbnail
Tohoku 1307 Cooking+ (+50)
Cooking++ (+50)
107 80 60 48 295 739 99 155 808 1801
Staff 09 Yone Thumbnail
Yone 1464 Cooking ++ (+100)
Ingredient Prep Expert
155 40 100 12 307 901 154 385 126 1566
Staff 05 Yusuke Thumbnail
Yusuke 267 Ingredient Prep Expert
Cooking+ (+50)
40 28 55 8 131 850 218 986 160 2214


Staff members have the following four numerical stats that affect their performance:

  • Cooking: Determines the amount of time it takes for the staff to prepare a dish ordered by a customer
  • Serving: Determines the staff's movement speed when assigned to the dining area, as well as the amount of time it takes for them to perform advanced serving tasks, such as serving drinks if the staff member has the corresponding skill
  • Procure: Determines the maximum amount of seasoning obtained from dispatching staff to gather ingredients
  • Appeal: Determines the amount and frequency of tips received from serving in the dining area as well as the minimum amount of seasoning obtained when the staff member is dispatched

In addition, staff members each have two Special Skills that are unlocked when the staff member is trained to levels 3 and 7, which confer various bonuses to the staff member. Some increase one of their stats by a flat amount; others unlock the ability for the staff member to take on additional tasks that previously only the player could perform, such as serving drinks or cleaning tables; others add bonuses to tasks they were already performing, such as bonuses to tips from serving.

In addition, staff members unlock one or more specific recipes upon being trained to a specific level, typically at Level 15, but sometimes at Level 5 and/or 10. To see the recipe(s) unlocked by each staff member, refer to the recipes page or the individual staff member's page.


The player will gain the ability to hire and manage staff after the first VIP, Yoshie, visits the restaurant and is served. You may then choose one of three different hiring methods to receive applications from 2-4 of the 20 available characters exactly one day after paying for the chosen hiring method. A hiring ad always returns the stated maximum number of applicants, unless the total number of unhired characters is lower. It is currently unclear exactly which staff members are eligible to apply from a given hiring method and Cooksta rank.

Before hiring, you may view an applicant's level 1 stats, max-level stats, and both of their Special Skills (but not the recipe(s) they may eventually unlock from training) by selecting a staff member in the hiring menu and then selecting "details." If you opt to not to hire an applicant, and post a new hiring ad, that applicant will eventually re-apply in response to a future hiring ad.

Once you pay the hiring fee for an applicant, they are placed in the waiting room. From there, you may assign them to the kitchen to prepare dishes alongside Bancho, to the dining area to serve prepared dishes to customers, or to dispatch to procure some of a specified seasoning ingredient after exactly one day.


After paying the hiring fee to hire an applicant, you may invest in training a staff member to increase their level. Increasing their level increases all of their stats by a set amount per stat per staff member, and unlocks their Special Skills at levels 3 and 7, and sometimes also unlocks a recipe at level 5, 10, and/or 15. However, keep in mind training cost also increases with each level; every staff member has the same set of training costs per level, listed below:

Level Cost
2 150
3 215
4 308
5 442
6 635
7 911
8 1,307
9 1,875
10 2,690
11 3,859
12 5,537
13 7,943
14 11,395
15 16348
16 23,452
17 33,644
18 48,264
19 69,239
20 99,328

Keep in mind that having active staff members increases the restaurant's nightly pay expense, including those in the waiting room and/or dispatched to gather seasonings. See the Sushi Staff Strategy Guide for more insight.


Once the Branch location is unlocked, you must assign at least one cook and one server to the branch, as well as a manager, whose total stats determine both the number of customers that will visit the branch per night and the maximum rank of ingredients that may be used in recipes at the branch. The relevant stats of the cooks and servers at the branch certainly affect its performance, although the exact manner in which they do is currently unknown.

Branch expenses, including staff pay, are combined with the main restaurant's expenses in the main results screen at the end of the night, while branch revenue is displayed separately after the results for the main restaurant.

