Dave the Diver Wiki

Minigames is an app in Dave the Diver.

Throughout the game, you'll eventually unlock 3 different minigames, two of which have associated achievements.

Leahs RUN![]

This is unlocked after Duff's Dream Concert.

Dream Live[]

This is unlocked after Duff's Dream Concert.


This is unlocked after entering the code DAVEANNIVERSARY on the Operator call. A demo version of the mobile game EVIL FACTORY. Completing the demo will unlock the Leo Keychain charm.

As of v. (steam), the minigame is unplayable due to a bug while standing at the Sushi restaurant. Several scenes force textboxes on the screen which lock all movement. Unfortunately, the game does not pause during dialoge, allowing bombs to explode and enemies to attack you while locked in dialoge.


This is unlocked after completing Stormy Night 2 and is a tamagotchi style game where you try to raise (and keep alive) a virtual pet fish. Raising 5 of them unlocks the achievement, GYAO! Master. See GYAO!'s main article page for more information.

Space Diver[]

This is unlocked after finishing the game. As the end credits roll, you can move Dave around in space to shoot the developer names. You earn points for each destroyed name, but lose points if you take damage from one of the aliens. You can also shoot the aliens to remove the threat.

There are a total of 29 names scattered around in a circular shape. However, keep in mind you're timed here as the minigame will end once the end credits finish. There's also an achievement, Dev Killer, here for destroying all 29 names in one run before the game ends.

If aiming for the achievement, note the rough layout of the names as well as the fact a few are spread out a bit further from the rest. While it's a good idea to shoot any immediate aliens that are shooting at you, try not to waste too much time doing so/avoid their radius if possible.
