Dave the Diver Wiki

Glacial Area, also known as Glacier Zone, is an explorable area in Dave the Diver.

The location is opened up during Chapter 6 and includes fish and animals from arctic environments.

Underneath the area's large icicles, one can find the Hydrothermal Vents, though the temperature is too high when first entering the area due to a malfunction with the Control Room.

General area[]


  • In the southwest area, beneath the large icicles and just above the vents area, one can find a massive Lion's Mane Jellyfish
  • After progressing the main mission some more, a unique dolphin will appear in the northeastern area, soon joined by others of its kind

Harvestable items[]

Unique item[]

First Glacial Cave[]

Found on the eastern side of the glacial area, the doorway is locked on arrival but opened during the mission Ancient Stone Slab. The area is filled with simple moving traps and puzzles. After completing the area, one can later dive it safely counter-clockwise to loot it without activating the traps.

Unique fish[]


  • Once cleared out, you can later re-explore it to find a bunch of bathynomus scavenging on a dead shark

Ice Hollow[]

The Ice Hollow is a sub-area of the Glacier Zone, unlocked during the sub mission Lost Baby Manatee. It's located in the far west side of the area, slightly before the tunnel with the strong currents. This area does not populate with anything once cleared out.

Second Glacial Cave[]

This cave only becomes accessible during Chapter 6's mission, Check the Control Room Entrance, with the assistance of the beluga from the Sea People Village. You'll ride the beluga through a number of obstacles before encountering at the end the boss for the cave, Phantom Jellyfish.

Note this is the only glacial cave that cannot be revisited, as it's otherwise impossible to re-enter it due to the current. However, there is nothing to gather here other than the Phantom Jellyfish's unique items that are harvested at the end of the mission.

Third Glacial Cave[]

Now that the water is a bit cooler, you can access this vent that's to the far southeast of the glacial area, bordering into the vents region. Suwam will have to assist throughout this cave and requires one to maneuver around puzzles by controlling both Dave and Suwam, sometimes in sync.

Near the end, you'll cross paths with the cave's boss, a Helicoprion.

Unique fish[]

Unique item[]

Glacial Seaweed Cave[]

With the October 11 Content Update, this cave got added in that introduces a new sub mission, Trapped in the Glacial Cave, that'll allow one to get access to this cave.

Unique items[]


  • While its depths are never listed like the first three levels of the Blue Hole, in the Fish Farm it's shown to go down to about 540m.