Dave the Diver Wiki

Ecowatcher is an app in Dave the Diver.

After doing the first 2 sub missions that Ellie gives, she'll then admit it was for missions in this app, whereby collecting points rewards you with special items. You'll then gain access to this app to do them yourself and get rewards.

Note a lot of the ecological missions build on each other. For example, you can't get access to Research Fossils 2 until Research Fossils 1 is done. Also, depending on the pace you're going at in the main mission, you may at one point run out of further missions for a time in Ecowatcher until you open up the next area.

For missions that require you to gather items (like starfish) you can turn in individual components once you have the amount required. For example, if you have all 5 Red Starfish for Research Starfish 1, you can go ahead and turn them in even if you don't have enough Orange Starfish yet to complete the mission. Once you have the rest, you can turn them in as well and get the points from the mission.


Name Description Chapter Unlock Map Mission Target Points
Research Starfish 1 Analyzing the food of the Starfish will help in the ecological study of the Blue Hole. 2 Blue Hole 5 Red Starfish
10 Orange Starfish
Research Shell 1 Research Clam Shells to study the contents of the sea water. 2 Blue Hole 3 Pink Shell 20
Research Marine Plants 1 Analyzing the health of the Marine Plants greatly aids learning about the ecology. 2 Blue Hole 5 Agar 20
Research Fossils 1 Old Fossils show the level of change in the Blue Hole. 2 Blue Hole 1 Animal Leg Bone
1 Animal Foot Bone
1 Animal Skull
Remove Jellyfish There are more highly venomous Jellyfish.
Remove the Jellyfish to restore environmental balance.
2 Blue Hole 5 Fried Egg Jellyfish 10
Overpopulated Invasive Fish A recent increase in the population of Lionfish is destroying the food chain.
Cull the Red Lionfish population.
2 Blue Hole 5 Red Lionfish 10
Research Starfish 2 Analyzing the food of the Starfish will help in the ecological study of the Blue Hole. 2 Blue Hole 10 Red Starfish
10 Orange Starfish
Research Shell 2 Research Clam Shells to study the contents of the sea water. 2 Blue Hole 5 Blue Shell
5 Brown Shell
5 Pink Shell
Research Marine Plants 2 Analyzing the health of the Marine Plants greatly aids learning about the ecology. 2 Blue Hole 5 Agar
5 Kajime
Research Fossils 2 Old Fossils show the level of change in the Blue Hole. 2 Blue Hole 3 Animal Leg Bone
3 Animal Foot Bone
3 Animal Skull
Remove Jellyfish[1] There are more highly venomous Jellyfish.
Remove the Jellyfish to restore environmental balance.
2 Blue Hole 10 Fried Egg Jellyfish
3 Barrel Jellyfish
Overpopulated Invasive Fish[1] There are too many Red Lionfish and Titan Triggerfish.
Hunt them to cull their number.
2 Blue Hole 5 Red Lionfish
5 Titan Triggerfish
Research Starfish 3 Analyzing the food of the Starfish will help in the ecological study of the Blue Hole. 2 Blue Hole 15 Red Starfish
15 Orange Starfish
1 Purple Starfish
1 Spider Starfish
Research Shell 3 Research Clam Shells to study the contents of the sea water. 2 Blue Hole 10 Blue Shell
10 Brown Shell
7 Pink Shell
Research Marine Plants 3 Analyzing the health of the Marine Plants greatly aids learning about the ecology. 2 Blue Hole 5 Kelp
5 Kajime
Research Fossils 3 Old Fossils show the level of change in the Blue Hole. 2 Blue Hole 5 Animal Leg Bone
5 Animal Foot Bone
5 Animal Skull
Remove Jellyfish[2] There are more highly venomous Jellyfish.
Remove the Jellyfish to restore environmental balance.
2 Blue Hole 10 White Spotted Jellyfish 30
Overpopulated Invasive Fish[2] The Titan Triggerfish and Great Barracuda populations have exploded.
Hunt them to cull their number.
2 Blue Hole 3 Titan Triggerfish
3 Great barracuda
Research Starfish 4 Analyzing the food of the Starfish will help in the ecological study of the Blue Hole. 2 Blue Hole 3 Purple Starfish
3 Brittle Starfish
Research Shell 4 Research Clam Shells to study the contents of the sea water. 2 Blue Hole 15 Blue Shell
15 Brown Shell
10 Pink Shell
Remove Jellyfish[3] There are more highly venomous Jellyfish.
Remove the Jellyfish to restore environmental balance.
2 Blue Hole 5 Comb Jellyfish
5 Blood-belly Comb Jellyfish
Overpopulated Invasive Fish[3] The Titan Triggerfish and Great Barracuda populations have exploded.
Hunt them to cull their number.
2 Blue Hole 5 Titan Triggerfish
5 Great barracuda
Research Starfish 5 Analyzing the food of the Starfish will help in the ecological study of the Blue Hole. 2 Blue Hole 7 Purple Starfish
7 Brittle Starfish
Research Shell 5 Research Clam Shells to study the contents of the sea water. 2 Blue Hole 20 Blue Shell
20 Brown Shell
15 Pink Shell
Remove Jellyfish[4] There are more highly venomous Jellyfish.
Remove the Jellyfish to restore environmental balance.
2 Blue Hole 10 Comb Jellyfish
10 Blood-belly Comb Jellyfish
Overpopulated Invasive Fish[4] The Fangtooth and Bluespotted Stargazer populations have exploded.
Hunt them to cull their number.
2 Blue Hole 5 Fangtooth
2 Bluespotted Stargazer
Research Marine Plants 4 Analyzing the health of the Marine Plants greatly aids learning about the ecology. 3 Blue Hole 5 Sea Grape
5 Seaweed
Research Marine Plants 5 Analyzing the health of the Marine Plants greatly aids learning about the ecology. 3 Blue Hole 10 Kelp
10 Sea Grape
10 Seaweed
Overpopulated Invasive Fish[5] The Striped Catfish and Sheepshead populations have exploded.
Hunt them to cull their number.
3 Blue Hole: Seaweed Map 30 Striped Catfish
2 Sheepshead
Investigate Regional Ecology 1 Secure a variety of fish specimens from the hidden place to find a way to preserve the ecology. 5 Glacial Area 15 Glacial Area Fish (2+ rank) 30
Investigate Glacial Marine Plants 1 Analyzing the characteristics of the polar Marine Plants greatly aids in learning about the ecology. 6 Glacial Area 3 Black Coral 10
Collect Glacial Clams 1 Research Clam Shells to analyze the substances of the sea in the polar regions. 6 Glacial Area 5 Red Clam Shell 10
Defeat Invasive Starfish 1 The number of North Pacific Seastars is spiking and they are disrupting the ecosystem.
Reduce their number by collecting them.
6 Glacial Area 5 North Pacific Seastar 20
Investigate Sea People's Artifact 1 The Artifacts found under the sea can show what the region was like in the past. 6 Glacial Area 1 Jade Marble
1 Jade Plate
Investigate Dangerous Gemstones 1 Investigate the mysterious Aquamarine gemstones found in the Blue Hole, and its affects on the marine ecology. 6 Glacial Area 2 Aquamarine 20
Investigate Regional Ecology 2 Secure a variety of fish specimens from the hidden place to find a way to preserve the ecology. 6 Glacial Area 25 Glacial Area Fish (2+ rank)
1 Bring a narwhal up to the surface
Investigate Glacial Marine Plants 2 Analyzing the characteristics of the polar Marine Plants greatly aids in learning about the ecology. 6 Glacial Area 5 Black Coral
3 Southern Bull Kelp
Collect Glacial Clams 2 Research Clam Shells to analyze the substances of the sea in the polar regions. 6 Glacial Area 10 Red Clam Shell
5 Ocean Quahog Shell
Defeat Invasive Starfish 2 The number of North Pacific Seastars is spiking and they are disrupting the ecosystem.
Reduce their number by collecting them.
6 Glacial Area 10 North Pacific Seastar 30
Investigate Sea People's Artifact 2 The Artifacts found under the sea can show what the region was like in the past. 6 Glacial Area 1 Jade Pedestal 30
Investigate Dangerous Gemstones 2 Investigate the mysterious Torbernite gemstones found in the Blue Hole to study marine ecology. 6 Glacial Area 2 Torbernite 20
Investigate Regional Ecology 3 Secure a variety of fish specimens from the hidden place to find a way to preserve the ecology. 6 Hydrothermal Vents 25 Hydrothermal Vents Fish (2+ rank)

1 Bring a dunkleosteus up to the surface

Investigate Glacial Marine Plants 3 Analyzing the characteristics of the polar Marine Plants greatly aids in learning about the ecology. 6 Glacial Area 5 Black Coral
5 Southern Bull Kelp
3 Buckbean
Investigate Dangerous Gemstones 3 Investigate the mysterious Ruby gemstones found in the Blue[sic] and its affects on the marine ecology. 6 Hydrothermal Vents 2 Ruby 20


Icon Reward Points
Charm Poison resist Thumbnail
Eco Poison Resist Bracelet 50
Charm Defense10 Thumbnail
Eco Health Bracelet 100
Charm MiningBonus Thumbnail
Eco Gemstone Bracelet 580
Charm LootboxWeightBonus Thumbnail
Eco Waterproof Bag 640


  • Seaweed isn't available immediately, only appearing from Chapter 3 onwards.
  • Certain fish, like Sheepshead and Striped Catfish, only appear on the special Seaweed map.
  • Items (not kills) can be gathered beforehand and turned in when the relevant mission is given.
  • For missions where you're asked to kill off invasive fish, you only need to kill it or capture it alive for the fish to count towards the quest, after which the fish may be discarded if desired.
  • Bluespotted Stargazer will typically require the special gloves received during the main storyline to kill them, though one can try and kill them with melee weapons, guns or explosives with mixed results due to its hit box being extremely small and inside the ground.


  1. 1.0 1.1 This one is not numbered but is considered the second mission in the sequence
  2. 2.0 2.1 This one is not numbered but is considered the third mission in the sequence
  3. 3.0 3.1 This one is not numbered but is considered the fourth mission in the sequence
  4. 4.0 4.1 This one is not numbered but is considered the fifth mission in the sequence
  5. This one is not numbered but is considered the sixth mission in the sequence